The integration and performance of the teams directly contributes to the performance of organizations. On the other hand, a stronger team results from a better knowledge and self-management of the "I" (the "I" s that constitute the teams) andthe strengthening of the interpersonal relationships.
We privilege, thus, also the improving of the self knowledge (self-awareness) of poeple and between people who constitute the teams.
In carrying out the activities of a teambuilding we try to work not only in the visible part (behavioral), but also as far as possible at the reasons behind such behavior.
It is about an experiential methodology based on experience, focusing on the reality of the organization. Throughout the application of this methodology seeks to stir the emotions, applies techniques that allow a greater retention of information so that the information can reach the long-term memory of the learner.
Quadrado Perfeito
With eyes sealed participants must use a rope to form a perfect square. This exercise creates some anxiety and pressure, leading participants to inappropriate behavior for a good teamwork.
With this exercise we can define the teamwork principles and the behaviors associated with these principles. As output we obtain a diagram which is later reproduced in A1, as the image below.
Linha de Produção
The participants are exposed to performing an exercise that simulates the work on a production line where there are no conditions for a good teamwork.
In a second round the conditions change, and it can be noted the contribution of the teams members with ideas, creativity, the emergence of leaders, goals definition, planning, organization, division of labor, resource rationalization, etc.
The results of this second roundend up being better than the first round.
The participants are divided into 2 groups and challenged to build two exactly equal and symmetrical structures using all the available pieces. The two groups can not be seen.
Helium Stick
Helium Stick its about a work activity in team deceptively simple.
The participants are invited to form two lines facing each other. Is placed on the fingers of the participants a specific stick, which is long and thin.
The challenge is to get down the stck to the ground without lifting your finger off the stick. Reality: It will tend to rise!
Sometimes the best plans simply do not work. It is in this moments then that we need to work more in teamwork. For the success of this task the team members will have to calm down, stop blaming each other and coordinate their movements well.
Toxic Waste
This is a group activity quite engaging. Equipped with an elastic cord and a normal cord, each group should carry a bucket of "toxic waste" and tilt it into the neutralization bucket.
This exercise can be used to highlight almost every aspect of teamwork or leadership.
Pipeline (marble)
Each participant receives a tube. The challenge is to move marbles from point A to point B without dropping them. For that they should work in teams joining the tubes. Each one should just hold his own tube. They can only move in the direction of point B, the group members that do not carry out the marbles at that precise moment.
Os participantes são divididos em grupos e recebem instruções para assumirem que cada grupo é um determinado departamento da Organização.
As instruções levam os participantes a pensarem que se trata de um exercício de competição. Depois de percebem que a competição não lhes vai levar a lado nenhum, aparece o desespero e assumem que é impossível alcançar as metas.
Depois de encorajados pelo facilitador os grupos começam a perceber que podem resolver o desafio através da cooperação criativa.
Challenge: the group must rebuild a specific structure using a certain set of fiber pieces and a drawing of the desired structure. It seems a simple task. As long as the pieces are fitted you can feel a certain tension in the group dynamics effect of contradictory ideas and certain unwanted behavior of some team members.
There are a number of parts which seem to work well in certain parts of the structure, but so that the final structure is achieved, these parts can only be placed in specific parts.