The Facet5 questionnaire brings questions about your point of view on various issues. It analyzes the postures, opinions and preferences. Obviously, there is no right or wrong answers. This is not a test, in which you are approved or repproved, and is most often known as personality inventory. The Facet5 was developed to study the aspects that are relatively stable and consistents and that make you to be who you are. The results do not mean that you are right or wrong, or that there are "good" and "bad". Based on this picture of you as a person, we have developed some ideas about your likely reactions or behaviors in different situations. This report describes these ideas in general, but it's up to you to define the degree of precision and relevance of them for your current situation.
The personalities factors assessed by Facet5 are generally considered by psychologists, as the five core "Building Blocks" of a person. We all have a little of each factor and it is this score pattern that gives us an overview. They are:
- Conviction - determined, assertive, independent
- Energy - enthusiastic, sociable, involved
- Affection - Open, sincere, friendly, generous
- Control - structured, methodical, self-disciplined
- Emotionality, which interacts with the others and is related to stress tolerance, confidence and emotional state.
Because we have different views of the same information we are able to look at a person from different aspects showing different "Facets" of personality. Despite major factors in the Facet be composed of different sets of personality traits they present basic elements listed in the table below.
These sub-facets or sub-factors can be obtained separately to assess the composition of these within the facet or factor to which they belong. For example, the Determination is composed of three "sub-factors": conviction, confrontation and independence. Usually very high Determination scores or too low will have a fairly equal composition of each sub-factor.
However, more moderate scores may be composed of three equally moderate scores or can be composed of sub-factors scores that are high, medium and low. By dividing the main factors in "sub-factors" is possible to deepen considerably the interpretation of a profile submitted by Facet5. The profile of a person is typically shown by a graph where each scale is divided into 10 points. This particular type of scale is known as "sten" scale of the English "Standard Ten", or "Ten patterns." In this type of scale, extreme scores (high or low) are more significant to draw the kind of person more than moderate scores. Your profile, factors and sub-factors are presented in the following table.